Eroticy is personal site targeted to adult traffic and people looking for sex partners. Eroticy pays $3 per confirmed email where registration is free and no creditcard is required for free trial period. There is also up to $80 pay per signup program. Erocity has many marketing tools that you can intagrate into your website. Most interesting is geotargeted ads which will show you members wanting to date in the area of your visitor. So you should convert very well. There are also free movies and many more marketing tools for your website.
Cool, got my first payment finaly. Very good conversion and ad tools with geotargeting.
I found a bug in the site to extend your trial and read those fake emails. Install the firefox add n edit cookies plugin. Right before clicking on the link to read the email message or a picture link in a profile open up the editor. Look for a cookie named FreeTrialUtil for the eroticy site. Change the date to one past the current day. Click the link. You will have to do this each time before clicking the link but it might save you some scamming.