Affiliate programs sites:

Affiliate programs sites

Articles about good and bad affiliate programs, how to create your own affiliate program and where to look for good affiliate software

Affiliate Program Scams To Watch Out For

Affiliate programs are a great way to earn extra money or even a good living if you do things right. But unfortunately, there are alot of people out there that know this and will do everything they can to swindle you into selling their products while not having to pay you a dime. There are some merchants that view affiliates as a...

Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is also synonymous with the following terms: associate marketing, associate programs, bounty programs, revenue-sharing, referral and partnership programs. Originating in the USA several years ago with, affiliate marketing has quickly gained acceptance in North...

7 Secrets to Affiliate Success

Being successful with affiliate programs requires the use of certain techniques. Yet it is surprising how few affiliates are using many of these methods. Here are 7 secrets to boosting your affiliate commissions each month:... 1. Use a variety of text links and personal recommendations. A personal recommendation of an...

How To Make More Money With Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are one of the web's most effective marketing techniques. They create a win-win situation by which site A refers a visitor to site B, and site B pays site A a commission if that visitor purchases something. If you are the referrer site (affiliate), you can make money with no overhead (no product, no warehouse,...