
You are welcome to write some review on the Amonetize program. We welcome your suggestions that help us to improve money earnings...

Amonetize is one of the leading PPI networks in market. With the best PPI rates for bundle distribution and wide range of countries you can make a lot of money! They offer Up to $2 per install for US traffic and attractive payouts for international countries. Payouts can go from $0.10-$1.00.
At Amonetize they accept all kinds of traffic sources except of Porn and Gambling, and they are very open and flexible to any kind of technical solution you may need from them in order to help you optimize the performance. With their state-of-the-art tracking system you will know exactly how to optimize your conversion and your campaign performance. You will meet their dedicated account managers and fast payment terms.


  1. NEVER use them – they: a pay not in time b let their publishers do all the work installer, invoice etc. c don t keep their words, promise things they do not observe d abuse their publishers verbaly

  2. Hi, could you elaborate this? I know there are networks having different approach and this is also unique… for me it is important that they pay on time… creating invoice is not big deal and at least you can see they are serious and legal. It took me 3 minutes to figure out how to make it in paypal. And if they let you work with installer its also good because you have it under your control so you can not complain if someone does it wrong. Could you tell how much you made per install on average? If you got paid or not?

  3. Hi Dino, they did not accept our PayPal invoices for the last month while they accepted the same PayPal invoice template one month ago. In addition, they promised to send payments automatically without the need to send an invoice – not kept. Rates were okay, I cannot complain about it. But we had lots of failed installs (although they have been executed silently), depending on the offer between 10 and 50 failed. Btw: We finally got paid for July on Sept, 12th.

  4. amonetize is the best pay per install company I have tried so far, payments were always on time and got great treatments and bonuses from the affiliate managers there

  5. I have worked with most PPI program out there, i found amonetioze to be the best, they pay me on time (been working with them for the last 7 month) and their real-time reporting matches 100 my own install reporting, the fact that all the information in their backend is transparent, up to the IP level of the user who has installed my product and got monetized makes them much more trustful then any company out there, also the fact that there are over 50 different monetization offers means that a much larger of my user based gets monetized, even in rare country traffic around the world.

  6. Im working with them for the last half a year and Im very happy. They have a great reporting system that allows me to know about all my installs and earning in real time which is so coolBefore working with Amonetize I worked with two other networks and I highly recommend Amonetize, for me the conversion rate with them was the best. Good luck.

  7. I worked with many PPI networks, amonetize is the one I like the most, they effective rates are 35 higher then any of their competitors and I always got paid on time (I did need to issue them an invoice that i created with word :- ) , they also have a great coverage of different geographical regions and their offer screens convert, I talked with a few of the big advertisers and it seems that amonetize is almost all across the board their biggest suppliers, I assume that with over 2 million installations per day they do have a lot of negotiating power with the advertisers and those rates are being passed to us, the publishers, so it is great

  8. cool offers, great payouts

  9. hi
    i need to advertise my software by distributing
    its trial versions. Can anybody help me with the rates
    and a good network to with it


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