Affiliate Target

You are welcome to write some review on the Affiliate Target program. We welcome your suggestions that help us to improve money earnings...

Currently Affiliate Target offers the following programs:Multi Exit PopUP program with the minimum of $6 CPM. Single Exit PopUP program with the minimum of $3.5 CPM. 468×60 banner program with the minumum of 18 cents per click.


  1. I picked up some affiliate target software while visiting a myspace site. The software kicks in when you click on a link or send an email. It reroutes you to a flash advertisement for an online company and requires you to watch it or wait for it to download completely before it will give you an optional link to click out. It also apparently will just redirect you wholesale to another website and destroy your backkey link to wherever you were Im guessing for a higher fee. It also prevents you from using your copy key to copy an email or a blog to a word document before you sent. If it kicks in when you are sending email or posting a blog you loose everything. It even interrupts my webmails spell checker. I have worked with Earthlink twice to try to eradicate the software, but all our efforts have failed. Wherever it is, its not hiding in the cookies or the temporary internet files. I have a spyware scrubber but it cant find the thing either. I have emailed the company but the email link they provide on their website is invalid. I am trying to file a complaint against them with the BBB but they are telling me I have to know where the company is located to file a complaint. Ive begun emailing webmasters who have them as sponsors or have reviewed their product. If anyone out there has working contact information for this company that would be great. Let me promise you that theres a sticky message 4 at this point of all the companies that have paid for their service. Guess where I wont be spending any of my money. Seriously, this product is so criminal it wont get anyone new customers, so dont bother getting ripped off

  2. I am having the same problem. I am getting mega amounts of pop ups and I cant find where affiliate is hiding to get rid of it. HELP

  3. I am interested in filing a class action lawsuit against this scam company. My injury in fact is that I have lost numerous amounts of important, private emails, the software freezes up my computer and cannot redirect me to my original page. See posting from March 19th, 2006 below which accurately describes the criminal nature of the software and its repurcussions on my internet use. This company robs people of their online autonomy to control their computer browser. It is a substantial intereference with privacy and fundamental rights. This company needs to be stopped. Please help with discovering where theyre hiding.

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