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Getting paid for shortening URLs is becoming very popular last months and here is another service provided to you by Low Stress Income (LSI) Affiliate network. One of their services called is paying you for shortening URLs. The way eCash works is that there is a small unobtrusive banner bar located at the top of the page of the links you shorten. Whenever someone clicks on the ad to the right of the eCash logo, it sends them to one of the 50+ sales pages for a product or service that participages in our Low-Stress Incomes affiliate program. Anytime that someone goes to a page from the banner bar, your affiliate ID is automatically associated with that potential customer. Should they choose to place an order, you recieve a commission. Most products carry a 50% commission. So they do not pay for impression or clicks but for sale… this will bring you more money because their products and marketing techniques are selling. You just need to target it little bit more to get better conversion rates. They pay every week via check or paypal. There is many guides how to make money plus you can win some guides that are normaly very expensive.

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