
You are welcome to write some review on the Clicksor program. We welcome your suggestions that help us to improve money earnings...

Make money with this pay per click search engine. Clicksor is a program from Yesup, the company behind PayPopUp. The program is based on CPC text advertisements superficially similar to Google AdSense, but… . You get up to 85% of revenue sharing. Payments are send by checks or PayPal ($50 minimum) NET 15 every 2 weeks. For referring new webmasters you get paid 10%. Banners looks very similar to Google adwords banners.
Type of ads:
XML Feed, Contextual link or text banner or graphic banner or all together, CPM and CPC graphical banner and popunder or floating ads are possible. Try this PPC search engine and you will see how much can you make. Now you can make even more with their New Ad format interstitial where you make from $5.4 per 1000 visitors. Demo of this AD format is here . (Please use Internet browser IE6+ or Mozilla1.5+).


  1. Beware of this scheme. In the last few months they have made several unsuccessful attempts to remove pornographc adverts popping up. On a number of times I have naviaged to my page and found hard-core porn adverts popping up.I have email them on a number of occasions and each time they assured me the adverts were removed. How hard can it be to remove them. I suspect, in fact they are not removing them at all, because they are too profitable, they are just modifying their algorithms to stop them appearing.

  2. Try am working with them from 6 mounts and have very good results with very high CPC.They also provide products ads.

  3. The Full Page Inter-Ads will be displayed while site user is being redirected to another page. This ad format offers relatively high earnings to you with a minimum of $0.009 per view is charged to advertisers. Hence, you could earn an average of $0.0054 to $0.009 per view or even higher You may find the demo at the site.

  4. they not pay for adult site

  5. I decided to give a try to clicksor so I registered and started publishing ads 5 months ago. My website receives about 500-600 unique visitors a day. Today I got an email from clicksor quoted bellow . Your publisher site mywebsite dot com has yet to meet our minimum requirement of $50 since your site was submitted five 6 months ago. Please note that this site does not meet minimum total earning requirement for more than half year will be removed from the network. Oh really Now you re telling me After 5 months You could not calculate a two weak average and notify me in time so I don t drive traffic from my site for wain The other thing… At the beginning for about one month the earnings where 0.25 – 0.45 a day. Now it is 0.1 – 0.15 a day My account is at $34 now. Clicksor is quite aware that the majority of publishers are small players and their account will never reach $50 in time. That is why such vital information from the publishers point of view is put in the one mile long agreement. To make sure people never read that If you decide to give clicksor a try make sure your one week average goes WELL ABOVE $120 calculating in a 6 months because if your revenues for some coordinated reason drop for more than 70 in the third month you ll not reach the $50. In one word… Missleading thiefs

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