NOTE: PLEASE, I ask that you read this, only takes three minutes ... Change your life.
I'm running !!!!!!!!!!!

This is a great opportunity, to the extent that participants are honest
solidarity, because there is no middleman, only those directly do business ... this is an honest attempt to improve our situation so we ASK THAT YOU TAKE VERY SERIOUSLY tomato ... 3 minutes and read the following sure that you will be interested, because if it has worked for many others, be sure that will work for you.

A lot of money with minimal investment. It is very simple.
Please finish reading this,

Then I will tell you as they did this. This announcement really caught my attention, as well as timely, and after careful thought, I decided to test only needed 6 U.S. dollars, and I thought 'is nothing compared to what we can win, "and I could see that really works, I do not know how to explain, but rather change my life and the system is very simple and it works (fully tested), WHILE MOST PEOPLE ARE A ... BEST, and most likely to win.
This is the message I found on the news, where you give instructions and is the system that changed my way of thinking and why, now I am another person.
It reads:

This is what happened to a friend days ago, while browsing the pages of these reports, as well as what you're doing now, he saw an article that read like this:

"You can earn thousands of dollars in a few weeks with an investment of 6 U.S. dollars. Then I thought: "Oh no, another scam more!", But as
most of us, curiosity was stronger,
and continued reading:
You send 1 dollar to each of the 6 names and addresses are listed in this
article (below), then you write your name and address at the bottom of the list by replacing the number # 6, and send this article or make at least 200 NEWS GROUPS (these are sites on the internet where they place ads for free , forums, classifieds, email addresses, etc.)

Note: If you're in another country, you must change your currency into dollars, because all countries in dollars and change is easier for everyone.

After thinking about it again and again and consult with friends, I decided to try it, I thought that the only thing that could lose $ 6 were Americans and 6 stamps, and it would take an investment, right?. As probably many of us, was a bit concerned about the legality of all this, then consult the Department of Post and confirmed that I was actually legal !!!!!!!. I was astonished and immediately spent my $ 6 ... Imagine what !!!!.. a few days later, I began to receive money in the mail! I was happy like a child with a new toy, and very surprised! I thought it would end in a few days and tried to forget the topic, in any case had already recovered the investment, but the money still coming. In my first week I made between $ 20 and $ 30. To the end of the second week had a total of 1,000 thousand dollars !!!!!!
I could not believe !!!;... in the third week I made $ 10,000, LEISTE GOOD! : Ten thousand dollars, and still more coming! In my fourth week had a total of $ 41,000, and this continues to arrive more quickly (in my house, passing the opening envelopes) and I getting "NEWSGROUP"

This was SERIO.
All this was worth the investment of $ 6 paid off, and think that I spent more than $ $ 6 weekly sweepstakes, lottery machines and money, and not passing anything.

Let me know now is that this works, and most importantly .... As it works perfectly!

Now be sure to print this article, to get all information as requested. (You must print it before making any changes in this paper)
The process is very simple and consists of 3 steps

STEP 1 .-
Find 6 sheets of paper and write on each of the following:
A little further down you write your name, address and e-mail and put in that position recorded every name of people when you sent your DOLLAR writes for example. I was on the three position.

Now get 6 tickets of $ 1 and enter every dollar in an envelope with the sheet, like this: Wrap the ticket with the road so that the ticket is not through the envelope. It is better that the paper is dark to prevent the theft of mail.

This is important !!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡ In this way the people working in the mail could not detect that this is money and keep the thousands of envelopes you are coming, so we recommend wrapping well, additionally, in a dark charcoal or not to is through on!). What we're doing is creating a service and as such, it does completely legal. From now on you're not sending $ 1 a person for no reason, they pay $ 1 for a legitimate service (I assure you,
again, this is completely legal). Ok, now you should have 6 sealed envelopes and in them a paper with the words above in step 1, your name, address, e-mail and a U.S. $ 1 bill.

6 envelopes sent to the following addresses:

PO Box No 58
08,358 Arenys de Munt

Maria Trinidad Sanchez No 203 Edif Rosmery
Rose Herrera, Santo Domingo, Dominican Rep.

P.O Box 170104 Atlanta, GA. 30317 USA

5) .- Montellano ISMAEL GUTIERREZ
C.P. 21460

Hipólito Irigoyen 122. Location: Capilla del Monte.
Dpto: Punilla. Province: Cordoba. ARGENTINA. CP: 5184.

Step No. 2 .-
Now remove the # 1 above list of other names and moves down a number, for example: (# 6 becomes the # 5 and # 5 becomes # 4, etc ...) and add your name and address as # 6 on the list.
Remember: you should only remove the number 1 on the list above.

Step No. 3 .-
You can change all that useful to this article, but try to keep
as close as possible to the original. Now put your article in at least 200 NEWSGROUP (Discussion forum or newsgroup, etc.). There are many, but to publish a minimum of 200 ... EARNINGS AND BE MORE SECURE
BE MORE THAN 200). To reach these NEWGROUPS do with any search engine (GOOGLE, YAHOO, MSN, Terra, ETC) pon these terms: Forums Discussion Forums, Groups, Free classified ads, and thousands of pages will appear (there are more than 24,000,000 newsgroups) you need 200, but the most put, more money will come.
When you have practice, it only takes about 30 seconds for each newsgroup. (If you have not practiced on the Internet for help with someone who knows, it's worth)

Do not forget to publish the notice or letter with your name on the position
6, disappearing 1, when they have practiced only takes about 30 seconds for each forum, group, etc .!!!!. And the more widespread notice, you may get more money !!!... Keep in mind that every day is a total of more than 50,000 new Internet users, who want to "Make Money" quick and easy ...
Please read the end of the letter, motivates you even more.

Here are some pointers on how to enter the newsgroups:

It further recommends that when you publish a description of this article try to give it a name that stuck, "as" NEED MONEY FAST?, "READ THIS ARTICLE" or "I need money to pay its debts", "DOWNLOAD THIS FILE AND READ
HOW CAN I GET MONEY BY MAIL "and so on. But do not do it like this:" WINS MILLION IN 1 WEEK ", because nobody took seriously.
You do not need to write this letter to make it all yours. Just check all the text, copy and paste it into a page in Word or another word processor and edit it, change what you have to change, save it for use as often as necessary, then mark the text and corrected, then copy and paste it into space or FORUM GROUP.

No. 1 .-
Or, go to "edit" or "edit" in the bar top of this page and select "select all." The entire letter should be "shady." So, point and click "edit" or "issue" at the top of your screen, you select "copy" or "copy". This letter will be in temporary memory on your computer.

No. 2 .-
Open a new file in "notepad" or "Word" and move the cursor over the blank page, Click "edit" and select "paste" or "paste." You now have this letter on your computer and you can add your name in the # 6 on the list following the instructions above.

No. 3 .-
Burn this letter in your new notepad file as "txt file or text file, and each time you change something, you can do it without problems

REMEMBER: The more NewsGroups achieved RECEIVE MORE MONEY AND ANSWERS !!!!, BUT SHOULD COME IN AT LEAST ... NewsGroups 200 ... and that's it !!!... You will be receiving money from around the world in a few days or known places.


How all this? From where you all this money?
Very simple:
200 sent, say I receive only 5 replies (a very low example).
Then I made $ 5 with my name at # 6 of this letter. Now every one of those who sent me the $ $ 1, also made a number of 200 newsgroups on the list and only 5 persons respond to each of the original 5, this makes $ 25 more than I receive, now these 25 people put a at least 200 newsgroups with my name in the # 4 place, and only receive 5 replies each. Would be making another $ 125 extra now these 125
people put a minimum of 200 groups with my name in the # 3 and only receive 5 replies each, I receive an additional $ 625!, okay, here is the most fun part, each of these 625 people put their 200 letters to other groups with my name on the # 2 and each one receives only 5 answers. This means that I get $ 3125 dollars! !!!!!!!!! ! Those 3125 people send this message to at least 200 groups with my name on the # 1, and only 5 people respond to the 200 groups, this means that I get $ 15,625
U.S. dollars! ! ! From an investment of $ 6 U.S. dollars, do not think it is FABULOUS !!!!!!!!!! ?????.
And as I said before, if only 5 people respond to 200 groups (the actual average is 20 to 30 people) !!!!!! !
People respond ..... This means:
At # 6 ...= $ 15.00. --
In the # 5 ...= $ 225, 00 .-
In ...= $ 4 # 3375, 00 .-
In ...= # 3 $ 50. 625.00 --
In the # 2 ...= $ 759. 375.00.

((((Now comes the good, do not be afraid .-
In the # 1 ... ((($ 11.390,625 ))... if ELEVEN MILLION DOLLARS !!!!!!!!!

Once your name is no longer on the list, remove the last of newsroup posting and send another $ 6 U.S. dollars to the names on that list, putting his name on the # 6 and repeat the whole process and start to put in newsgroups again, what you should remember that thousands of people like you and me around the world, connect to the Internet and read these articles, so I think that nobody will fail to invest $ 6, and see if this really works.
Some people come to think ...." and if nobody answered me ... . WHAT, which is the possibility that happen, if there are thousands and thousands of honest people (who, like us) looking for a way to have financial independence and pay bills !!!!!, and are prepared to address as "NO THERE WORST FIGHT THAT WHICH CAN NOT BE HELD! ". There are an estimated 20,000 to 50,000 new Internet users DAILY (worldwide).

REMEMBER to make it, honest, clean, and PROPERLY
operate safely, I promise!

*** In step: if you disappoint the people, putting messages with your name and does not send any money to others in such list, you will receive almost ANYTHING !!!!! I talked with people who knew people who did that and only came to collect $ 150 and that after 7 weeks.

Only honesty and integrity of the participants can make this system work. As you've noticed, there is no middleman "miracle" to multiply the money ... that intermediary each of the persons involved in this "cash flow" in this way ... the only way it will not work is that unscrupulous people in posteen newsgroups without sending the money to those concerned.
Now, if all or many do this it is logical that this wonderful idea to stop it. Appeal to your honesty and integrity, no stain on his honor and conscience 6 míserables dollars, it is true that no amount is worth $ 6 but just think it is enough.

Do this at an honest, clean and smoothly, so that they will not waste money and time if they do well, I assure you that in one week
receive money. MUST FOLLOW THE RULES OF BUSINESS, OR IF NOT, THIS IS CONCERNED bound by unscrupulous individuals. Do well, and for this to work well, all people entering this business a positive result. In
These monies will fund the rotating throughout the world, and people are grateful to the most needy worldwide (not to say extreme poverty), but people, for those things in life are in trouble and this helps them get ahead, and when they returned back together in this way, for this reason I ask not to hinder the business.
Remember that you can do everything that you propose, and if you've come this far, it's because you want to take this great opportunity that gives you the Internet.

NOTE: PLEASE ONE MORE LETTERS Newsgroups, MAS responses will, and that means more money !!!!!!

BE HONEST AND THANKS FOR READING. If you translate this message to all other
languages, you can also insert it in various forums such countries as France, Germany, Russia, Argentina (I say this as a council to expand the opportunities that I see many more people).

Personal note: Once you decide to participate in this new system continuously posting in forums or groups to receive the first 15 or $ 20, so make sure you win and therefore all we do ... .. SUERTE.

Do not forget to spend more than 7 days from the time you see this e-mail or ad and follow all the rules of business.

"The fruits of honesty is reflected in a very short time and last forever."
Chinese proverb.

REALLY WORKS! Publish where you gain POSSIBLE
MONEY QUICKLY !!!!!!!!!!!

If you have any questions, write, I will help you be happy ...

In short, this is what you should do before making any changes in this letter:
1 .- Print this letter without making any saves this letter cambio.Luego wordpad or Microsoft Word for the changes that have to do.
2 .- Wrap one American dollar a dark (to prevent the stolen money).
3 .- Then in a blank sheet of paper write the following:

Then, with each of these leaves surrounding each one of the tickets, put it in an envelope and send it to each of the persons listed above.
4 ..- make sure Step 3: Publish a minumo 200 times in this article Forums, Classifieds, Groups, or FREE ADVERTISING SPACE NEWGRUPS, as well as via email. (Only to secure an extraordinary income of money )...... and you're done!
It's simple, but if you have questions or you think all this amazing (naturally, I too would step) reed it about three times until you have clear, you can write me
For easier write me you send
200 websites where you can advertise for free this announcement, in addition, we explain to announce as many times in each web page!

Mood, take the opportunity, they are only 6 dollars, really this works, you'll see ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡