Quote Originally Posted by mr.microsoft
MySQL is the microsoft's version of SQL and it is a query language to used to retrive data from the database or for creating databases.
Sorry Its different thing....microsoft's version of SQL is called MsSql but you are right in some part that Mysql is based on SQL, mysql is a different product and we use Mysql with PHP. Below i am providing the difference between MsSql and MySql If I made any mistake you plz correct it.

SQL (standard query language) is the basic language to extract data from databases. All major databases (and most small ones) utilize some form of SQL.

The differences between MSSQL and MySQL are more than I will number here, but here are the major points. MSSQL is a Microsoft software option for databases. There is a free version, but generally speaking if you want to own a full version of MSSQL it will cost a pretty penny. MySQL used to be free, but there are some versions (like the enterprise edition) that now cost some money. There are some syntax differences. There are certain functions that are either unique to one or the other (for example MSSQL has a superset of SQL called Transact-SQL) or that operate slightly differently.

You can use either database with both PHP and ASP.Net. Generally you will see MySQL with PHP because both products can be had for free. You generally see MSSQL with ASP.Net because both products are Microsoft. However, they both work well with both products.
