European Economics Preview: UK Unemployment Data Due

Labor market statistics from the UK and economic confidence from Germany are due on Tuesday, headlining a light day for the European economic news.

At 1.00 am ET, July unemployment data is due from Sweden. The jobless rate stood at 9 percent in June.

At 2.00 am ET, the Office for National Statistics is set to issue the UK unemployment data. The jobless rate is forecast to rise to 4.2 percent in three months to June from 3.9 percent in three months to May.

At 3.00 am ET, consumer price data is due from Hungary. Inflation is forecast to rise to 3.2 percent in July from 2.9 percent in June.

At 5.00 am ET, Germany's ZEW economic confidence survey results are due. The economic sentiment index is forecast to fall to 58.0 in August from 59.3 in July.

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