CNPC Purchases Stake in $22 Billion Oil Venture from Abu Dhabi

China National Petroleum Corp. purchased a stake in Abu Dhabi's biggest oil concession as the emirate, which holds six percent of global crude reserves, resorts to Asia for investment in order to increase output capacity. Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. granted CNPC an eight percent stake in its onshore venture in exchange for a $1.8 billion signing bonus, according to Adnoc.

CNPC will join the Abu Dhabi firm for the Onshore Petroleum Operations, or ADCO. Other companies like BP and Total respectively hold ten percent stakes in the venture, while South Korea's Energy Corp. owns three percent and Inpex Corp. of Japan holds five percent. Abu Dhabi is planning to keep a 60 percent stake in ADCO and is looking for an investor for the remaining four percent, according to a statement from Adnoc.

Abu Dhabi intends to raise production capacity to 3.5 million barrels per day by 2018. ADCO produces nearly half of Abu Dhabi's approximately three million barrels of daily crude output.

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