SafeMoon (SAFEMOON) has been listed on BitMart! To celebrate the listing of SAFEMOON, and thank every user's attention and support, we are giving away a total of 63 Billion SAFEMOON to all participants in our SAFEMOON Welcome Bonus, Deposit Bonus, Buy & Earn, and Buying Competition Events on BitMart.

Coin Info:

Token Name: SafeMoon
Token Symbol: SAFEMOON
Token Type: BEP20
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 SAFEMOON
Circulating Supply: 642,807,441,594,934 SAFEMOON

About SafeMoon:

The SafeMoon Protocol is a 100% community driven, fair launched DeFi Token. Three simple functions occur during each trade: Reflection, LP Acquisition, & Burn. And RFI Static Reward, let holders earn passive rewards through static reflection as they watch their balance of SafeMoon grow indefinitely.

Official Website:
