Our new affiliate program has started already... Below you may find information about our affiliate program. We will be happy to help you to success in web business.

Pay per install program

Everybody can work with us as a partner for our PPI program.

Partners from all countries accepted
Realtime Statistics. No shave in stats ,and %100 real statistics
Regular Payments. No delay
Payments with Webmoney, Paypal
All methods except spam are allowed to install .exe
No minimum payment limit
Increased rate to partners who has a high number of daily installs
Higher rates for longterm partnership
Individual approach to each client
Friendly Support to all questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much do you pay?
A: We pay 130$ for 1K US installs, 110$ for 1K Australia or Canada installs and 50$ for 1K Western Europe installs.

Q: Does your company No shave in stats %100 and Real Statistics ?
A: We guarantee that we have No shave in stats. All stats are %100 true, But other companies could offer you more but shave your installs. After you try our partner program you will understand the difference.

Q: What payment options do you have?
A: Payments will be done with WebMoney and Paypal

Q: What's the payment period?
A: We pay at 15th of each month for the earnings of previous month.

Q: Which countries installs do you accept?
A: We accept traffic from countries : USA, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Holland, Swisszerland.

Q: What does VipInstall pay for?
A: VipInstall pays you every time user from paid country installs our exe with your Affiliate ID.

Q: What do I need to begin to work with you?
A: Register our partner program. Our support representative will send you email within 48 hours after your account is activated. After that you can take your exe file from your user panel and start installs.

Q: All installation methods are allowed ?
A: We accept all methods like p2p, torrents, direct installs...etc except spamming.

Pay per install program