Hello all,

I want to introduce Webanswers, is a project supported by Google.
Its like yahoo answers, if you know that

WebAnswers.com is a free question & answer website where you can ask your questions for free and can answer other people's questions.

Important questions
How do I get paid for answering questions?

WebAnswers.com uses Google's AdSense contextual advertising program to generate revenue for the the users that have been "awarded answers" by the people asking the questions. Once an answer you have posted is selected as the best answer for the question, you will earn a percentage of the revenue generated by that question from Google AdSense.

How does Google pay me for answering questions on WebAnswers.com?

The process on how you get paid to answer questions is really quite simple. When you answer a few questions you will be prompted to either create or link up a Google AdSense account to your WebAnswers account. The page that you will do that from is here. Once you have an active Google AdSense account you can start earning money on WebAnswers. How this works is that when you answer questions your Google AdSense ID is shown in rotation with other users who have answered that question based your quality of answers that you have answered throughout the site. The higher your quality score and the more answers you answer, the more money you will make because your ads will be shown more often then not.

You will start to see money coming into your Google AdSense account when users visit WebAnswers.com either by finding the site through a link to the site, the search engines or some other way we haven't thought of. If this user happens to click on one of the ads on a question you answered while your Google AdSense ID is shown you'll make money. It is that simple. Note: Don't click your own ads, or tell people to click the ads. Google can and will terminate accounts for misconduct and violations of the Google AdSense terms and conditions. We have no control over anything Google decides to do on their end of the Google AdSense program.

Registration - http://www.webanswers.com/_f3qrgjvxu6

You can start make pasive income today Good Luck